Khamis, 19 November 2009


Lets e pictures tell e stories kay....
Date : 15 November 2009
My Hubby...tunjuk peace jugak... ni adam yg ajor...

Ibu & Adam otw to bus... adam is so exhausted...he got fever e next day..

3 of us... penat sesangat nih... this is e last place we visit... floating market...

Thai's kueh.. i like this kueh very much....

Kita tukar kupon dulu yer sblum boleh beli makanan kat floating market nih... 500 baht ajork!

Sori... ibu lupa nak tukar pampers adam... tu yg x selesa nak jalan... :(

Sleepy... just arrived to e floating market....

Hubby & his boss.......

See what we saw ....... kura2 yg sgt besar....

One of e mansion.... pic is e queen .... i forgot her name!

Replika gajah dari rumput2..... sangat cantik kan...

My bestfren in Bangkok... kak alita..

Us.... sangat2 panas waktu ini.........

We have to rent this car.... 400 baht per hour.... so penat oo kalu jalan kaki...

Stop for solat zohor.... luckily Ayuthaya have many Thai muslims...

Adam seat at e back with abg kiki, akmal and najmi... ibu & ayah?? dating lar ..berdua2an..

Half way to Ayuthaya.. we stopped at OTOP VILLAGE

Possing sat...

Adam loves abg kiki so much!!

On e way to Ayuthaya from Bangkok....

Waiting for e breakfast... bubur nasi ayam... aroiiiiii............

Again with his buddy!

Us.... and two malaysians... kak mala & his husband.....

Waiting for e boat to Ayuthaya....

Akmal, adam & ibu...

While waiting for e boat... chatting2 dulu....

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